About Us

Our Family

A erat nam at lectus urna. Convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim. Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.


Birthday: April 29


Birthday: November 19


Birthday: September 28


Birthday: May 18


Birthday: January 29


Birthday: 2/12

Our Testimonies

My name is Tayler Norris, I was born at Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Açores, Portugal! I am one of five boys, the fourth born, of my parents Dale and Trisha Norris. I grew up in a Christian home. From the time I was able to go to church I have been there every time the doors of the church were open for a service. My Father was in the U.S. Air Force, and while stationed in the Açores we attended Faith Baptist Church. After a year and a half living in Portugal, we moved to Edwards Air Force Base, CA just north of Lancaster CA. While living there we attended Victory Baptist Church in California City under the leadership of Pastor Ron Smith, Missionary to the military. Three years later we moved again to Plattsmouth, Nebraska, where we were members at First Baptist Church of Plattsmouth (Pastor Raymond Wicks). It was in Nebraska that I made my first profession of faith.

Four years later we moved once again, relocating to Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA just outside Santa Maria. It was here that I lived until I graduated from High School. I made my second profession of Faith when I was 9 years old because my older brother got saved and I figured if he was not saved then I was not as well. We became members of Coast Hills Baptist Church (formerly Fundamental Baptist church) Pastored by Bud Silva.

Upon graduation from High School I attended Golden State Baptist College. After two years, due to financial problems, I had to return home. Before I had to come home, while I was still enrolled in college I came home on the weekend of July 18, 2010. That Sunday, I stopped running from God. I had known growing up that I was not truly saved at the age of 5 or 9. I kept trying to justify my salvation by what I was doing, being in Bible college, telling people I was called to preach, being the son of a Deacon, but none of it was salvation. On that Sunday I heard one of the faithful men in our church give his testimony, that is when God confronted me and would not let me put him aside again. I knew what I needed to do, so, after the service, I went home and in my bedroom got down on my knees and put my faith and trust in God and what he alone could do for me, I was no longer trusting in myself. I was baptized the same night after church.

Later that summer, I went to Mt. Zion Baptist Camp in Shasta California as a camp counsellor, it was there that I was able to use my testimony to lead one of our bus teens to Salvation through Christ. It was then, I knew that God wanted me to be a preacher. When I came home from GSBC I started attending our church’s institute and three years later I graduated.

In 2012 I was able to go on a missions trip to Zambia, Africa to help missionary Damon Matacchiera. While on this missions trip I felt God leading me to missions. In 2013 a missionary family “The Kleins” to Argentina came through our church, for the second time, on furlough. I noticed their daughter Lorin, how she was very modest and loved God and her Family. God placed her on my heart and a few weeks later I called her dad to ask if I could begin a relationship with her through courtship. Seven months later we were married. A year and a week after my wife and I were married, our first son Deacon was born.

The year following our marriage at our church missions conference we had Missionary Mark Pereira to Portugal speak. On the last night of the conference, God laid Mozambique on my heart, combining my experience from the missions trip to Zambia Africa in 2012, and my history of being born in Portugal. God combined my two desires of wanting to be in Portugal and wanting to be in Africa by laying a Portuguese-speaking African country on my heart. In September of 2015 my wife, our son Deacon, and I were able to visit Mozambique and see the need for the Gospel in that country. Now we are preparing ourselves to pursue Gods will. Our daughter Eden Skye was born in May of 2016!

My name is Lorin Norris. I am the 3rd child of 7 children. I was born in Oregon to my parents Jeff and Nanci Klein. My parents were going to Berean Baptist Church. Pastor Charles Bray was the pastor at that time.

My parents were called as missionaries to the Mapuche people of Argentina. When I was 7 I made a profession of faith but only did it because my big brother did it and I wanted to do it too, but when I turned 12 I realized that I wasn’t a true child of God but a fake one. So under the preaching of Pastor Bob Gray Senior (one of the last few messages that he preached) the Lord reached down and grabbed me and showed me that I needed him as my Savior and that I needed to be done with this ‘show’. So I called upon him and He saved me. About 4 months later I got baptized by my dad.

We went through deputation and in 2008 we were finally able to go to the mission field. While on the mission field I graduated from high school June 3, 2011. We served in Argentina for about 4 years during which time we got a few small house churches started, then my Dad’s mom had a heart attack and the doctors said that she was not expected to live and that if we wanted to see her again we needed to come home. We all came back and were able to help out with my Gramma and she is doing very well. We used the time in the USA as a furlough, and that is when I met Tayler Norris and his family for the second time (we met the first time while we were on deputation). A few weeks later Tayler called my dad seeing if we could begin a relationship together. Soon we started courting, were engaged, and then married. We were married September, 21, 2013. We have a one son Deacon who was born in September 2014, and our daughter Eden was born May of 2016.

My name is Deacon. I was Born In California. I have been to Africa and loved it the people were so nice. I have been looking forward to going back. My hobbies are nerf wars, sports, and school. I have asked Jesus to save me and I enjoy sharing about Him to others.

My Name is Eden, I was born in California too. I traveled for the first time when I was 2 weeks old. I really enjoyed traveling but I am glad to be done traveling. my hobbies are, coloring, playing, and school. Please pray for me as I learn more about Jesus and His life.

Enoch, I started traveling when I was 3 weeks old. I am now tired of it. my hobbies are playing and reading. I love to play with my older siblings and even sometimes be ornery.

I was born in the middle of a snow storm and love talking to people.


Bud Silva, Senior Pastor
Coast Hills Baptist Church • Santa Maria, CA

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Tayler and Lorin Norris as they pursue God’s call to the country of Mozambique. Tayler, along with his family, have been faithful members of Coast Hills Baptist Church for over fifteen years. Tayler successfully completed and graduated from Coast Hills Baptist Institute. Lorin served with her parents who are missionaries in Argentina.

Tayler has a desire to serve the Lord on the foreign mission field and has taken a trip to Zambia to assist Damon Matacchiera, one of our missionaries. God has laid Mozambique on his heart. Last year, he and his wife Lorin, took a survey trip to Mozambique to confirm God’s call.

Tayler has served in different ministries of our church including soul winning. Sunday School, children’s ministries, bus captain and choir. Both Tayler and Lorin have a great testimony in their personal lives as well as their service for the Lord.

We as a church are enthusiastically behind their call with our prayers and financial support. They have been accepted as missionaries with Baptist International Missions Inc.

May I encourage your church to consider having the Norris’ for a meeting and consider adding them to your mission’s budget.

Joe Kirby, Youth Pastor
Coast Hills Baptist Church • Santa Maria, CA

For years, Tayler has had a burden for the continent of Africa, and after a missions trip to that region of the world, God impressed his heart specifically for people of Mozambique. We are thrilled about the call of God on Tayler and Lorin to serve on the mission field. It is their focus. It is their passion. We look forward to seeing all that God will do in and through their lives as they prepare to serve the people of Mozambique.